Online Courses

Online Courses     

There are number of sites online which are giving the facilities of online tuition to overseas

students but they all are educating the same basic courses of Qur'an But " Qur'an Pak Education.

Academy" has a great range of courses which are very beneficial for those who really want to learn Quran and Islam.

Join Us & Learn

  •     Qur'an Basic-Qaida
  •     Qur'an Reading
  •     Qur'an Recitation
  •     Qur'an Translation (Arabic, Urdu & English)
  •     Special Tajweed Course
  •     Tafseer (Arabic , Urdu & English)
  •     Arabic Language Course
  •     Urdu Language
  •     Hadith Learning

Know We Stated Other Subject For Overseas Students Online Tuition Classes By Professional Teacher.

  • English
  • Urdu
  • Maths
  • Physics
  • Chemistry 
  • Biology

Note: Female or Male Quran teacher are Available

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